These are my favorite sites but I'm a nice person so if you're a beginner to the world of building a web page then tell me about your site and send me your html and if I'm impressed then I'll add it (all I ask is that you return the favor).

One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
With over half a million sites divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
A nice place to have e-mail.
Favorite Sites
FREE Web Space for All!
They told me to say that. But in truth it is kinda cool, and it's pretty easy to use.
North Sky develops and markets technology and tools that facilitate interaction on the Web. To date, these tools include free web site networks, free email, and instant messaging. We combine our tools with an innovative domain name scheme and proprietary network architecture that provides unlimited scalability.
Project Anime
This is a good place to be if you're looking for anime merchandise.
This has a good search on it if you're looking for a certain character in Sailor Moon.
Sailor Mall
Another place to buy Sailor Moon stuff.
Sailor Lyrics
This site gives you lyrics to Sailor Moon songs.
Kawaii Dark Kingdom
A cool site dedicated to the villians of Sailor Moon.
For my Darling...Fushigi Yugi
A site dedicated to the wonder of Fushigi Yugi!!!!!!!!!!! If you have no clue about this series than this is a good place to find out.