ESCAFLOWNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......and Jewey-chan
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This is a good place to have images, pictures, thumbnails etc......
How very, very true.
For all of you first-time Escaflowne fans, I have some good advice for you. Ignore the English episodes. They are crap. Stick to the Japanese and you might end up falling in love with it. Yes I know the English episodes are more available (Saturday mornings on Fox) but they really should be avoided if you want a healthy relationship with Escaflowne.

This is the loveable, oh-so-hugable van-sama!! Don't you love him!?!?! and he isn't gay either!!!!...but he's in love with Hitomi so that ruins it.

This is Hitomi (van's one true love..although he doesn't say anything until melulu beats it out of him...and even then he doesn't say anything, what a maroon).

Long Bow pic this isn't Escaflowne but it's just as cool. This was done by my cool friend Jewey (who is in my rpg the wonderful person)

This is one of Jewey's other rpg characters

Another pic by Jewey, this one of Libra......I despise Jewey and her ability to draw
(BUT NOT REALLY!!!!!!) ::hugs Jewey and gives her a cookie::

Eraia and Ashita
These two are Julie's D&D characters (the one on the left is a drow and the one on the right is an elf)

David-sama et moi
Yes, this is me and my david-sama (weep). I needed some comfort (but not really) after looking at all of these kewl pics that jewey drew.......because i have almost NO ability to draw.