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Jade Sunset has begun! Thanks to all the people who helped me get organised and thanks to all of you who signed up!

Aqua Skies is still open to character applications and will remain so until next year this time!

The DreamWeavers RPG is under construction! I know I said I had it finished but I found some bugs that I needed to work out in it yesterday.

note: a friend of mine is helping me to make these RPGs an actual computer game but I need to know what RPG you guys would be interested in seeing on the open market if we ever get this to work! ^^

I know it's been awhile since I last posted something but school's a freak and I went to Florida for two weeks to gain my new bronze GOD-LIKE (in the not hypocrite!-we'll-burn-you-at-the-stake! kinda way) image. So anyway, Guess what-- we have a total of four characters in the Aqua Skies RPG.... WHERE'S THE LOVE?!?!?!?!?!?!? C'mon peeps I know you know you want to join this thing so send me apps at pyrite55@excite.com!

The Silver Lining is oging to be open for applications starting June 1st. The Jade Sunset RPG page will not be finished until I get to it. Jade Sunst RPGers, the game will resume play this friday, love ya.

Most of the RPG information will be moving to jadesunset.freeservers.com but I will try to keep a page here about them.

RPG STUFF HAS MOVED!!!!!! sorry to all of you looking forward to Silver Lining, but I'm having enough problems with my other two rpgs as it is ^^
BUT ALL OF MY RPG INFO HAS MOVED TO jadesunset.freeservers.com
Have fun!!!!!!


GUESS WHAT EVERYONE?!?!? IT'S MIDNIGHT!!!!!! ::kyoko falls asleep at the comp b/c of sleep deprivation::